For patients

LungBeat, developed by LiveLunger, is designed for asthma patients and their families. Having a digital assistant at hand, provides peace of mind, in between face-to-face consultations at the hospital. Additionally, LungBeat offers a direct link to the care team.

Do you experience complaints at home?  Are your symptoms changing? Run through a maximum of 3 questions and get advice on which of your personalized action plans, you can follow.

The pulmonary nurse
always close by

LiveLunger has created LungBeat, a CE-marked medical app designed to support chronic asthma patients in their daily self-management.  

LungBeat utilizes a Bluetooth-connected spirometer connection, providing weekly insights into your current lung capacity. If you experience any complaints at home or notice changes in your symptoms, simply answer up to 3 questions, and LungBeat will guide you on your personalized action plan, provided by your health care professional.

Moreover, LungBeat will remind you to do a weekly, 7 questions-based, asthma severity scoring to support you in keeping your asthma under control.

LungBeat Features

A personal digital action plan that you always have at hand

Together with the healthcare professional, you set up a personal action plan so that you always know what to do when things are not going so well.

Remote monitoring with a simple questionnaire

Based on the questionnaire and spirometer data, the caregiver can monitor how things are going. Is it going less? The pulmonary nurse can contact you.

Precise determination of lung function

For even better asthma control, you can optionally use a paired Bluetooth spirometer. The spirometer measures breath strength and gives a good picture of your lung function.

Request access to LungBeat

LungBeat currently operates by hospital invitation only

Request access